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时间:2024-11-12 18:40



招收专业:材料科学与工程 电气工程 电子信息工程 机械工程 人工智能与数据科学 理学院


Gentherm(纳斯达克代码:THRM)是全球汽车行业创新热管理和气动舒适技术的市场引领者,医疗患者温度管理系统的领导者。汽车产品包括气候控制座椅、可加热汽车内饰系统 (包括加热座椅、方向盘、扶手等部件)、电池性能解决方案、线束系统、腰托和按摩舒适解决方案、阀门系统技术及电子器件等。医疗产品包括患者体温管理系统。Gentherm正向大量新技术、新产品进军,力求改进现有产品、为原有市场和新兴市场创造新产品和应用程序。Gentherm足迹遍布美国、德国、中国、捷克共和国、匈牙利、日本、马耳他、墨西哥、北马其顿、韩国、英国、乌克兰和越南, 全球拥有超过14000名员工。


About Gentherm 
Gentherm (NASDAQ: THRM) is the global market leader of innovative thermal management and pneumatic comfort technologies for the automotive industry and a leader in medical patient temperature management systems. Automotive products include variable temperature Climate Control Seats, heated automotive interior systems (including heated seats, steering wheels, armrests and other components), battery performance solutions, cable systems, lumbar and massage comfort solutions, valve system technologies, and other electronic devices. Medical products include patient temperature management systems. The Company is also developing a number of new technologies and products that will help enable improvements to existing products and to create new product applications for existing and new markets. Gentherm has more than 14,000 employees in facilities in the United States, Germany, China, Czech Republic, Hungary, Japan, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, North Macedonia, South Korea, United Kingdom, Ukraine, and Vietnam.